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Binoculars to your smartPhone: Instagram Lovers

As an Instagram lover pictures will or must be your second Lover and that begs for the numerous 3rd party instagram apps over Android, Windows Phone or the Apple's iOS, but originality might be lacking, so if you are looking for an Extra edge over your instagram followers the article could direct you Nevertheless it is with so much surprise we decided to appreciate the techs applied in these little gadget, as for me i think the SnapZoom will stand out basically due to it's universality and it will awaken tech industries to invest on Camera addons for other devices not just the iPhones.

The Engadget insert a coin competion has produced an eye glistering addon to your smartphone irrespective of the vendor, Apple, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry or Nokia and also provided a a good quality focus and zoom will qualify your device to adopt this plugin.

There have been alot of similar addon devices for enhanced smartphone camera performance over time, but most of them feature for the Apple's iPhone which makes it device selective like the's foto.sosho Foto.Sosho Foto.Sosho Foto.Sosho
The foto.sosho cost over $250 and its even device specific, but for you it's portable to carry along as shown below

Now the Snapzoom tries to balance the equation and we mean that on both sides of the equation -- they want connect to all scopes or all phones. Snapzoom wants to be all things to those with a hankering for long distance photography, such as bird watchers or amateur astronomers. The solution is so simple that it actually stuns us that no one had thought of it before. That's not to say there isn't a lot of smart design involved, but ultimately the Snapzoom boils down to a set of adjustable clamps that provide an incredible amount of freedom. While image quality will rest largely on your choice of smartphone, there's no shortage of incredible shooters out there that you can slide into the mount.
Here is a Demo of SnapZoom from the competition "InsertCoin

Here are other Camera AddOns that will get you wondering {so sad that the iPhones got them all}

1. The iPhone SLR Mount

Ever since before now certain apps might simulate a near effect that might make you have this DLSR feeling on your iPhone but now no more. The iPhone SLR Mount gives you the real thing. It'll set your phone photos apart from everyone else's on Instagram in an unprecedented way, its could seem to only be about the case
SLR Mount case
However the case can hold up your Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your iPhone 4/4S/5 giving your phone powerful depth of field and manual focus.
Telephoto, wide angle, macro, or your fixed-fifty lenses all attach to this mount giving you a full range of lenses at your iPhone lovin' fingertips. Heck, you could even throw on a Diana adapter!
Plus, you'll be putting the SLR lenses you already have to use with the camera you always have with you -- your phone.
Two loopholes on each end of the case let you tie on a camera strap, so you can hang it around your neck just like your real DSLR.

Now that your favorite camera has it all, now what adventure do you think you can embark with the SLR mount?

2. 10x Zoom telescop : $25
Magnify your view by 10 times with this 10x Zoom Telescope Lens. The telescope lens clips on to your iPhone 4 to give you enhanced zoom for your iPhone images.

3. The iPhone Lens Dial: $249 [Approx]
If carrying additional lens clips is too heavy a task for you, consider this iPhone Lens Dial. The iPhone Lens Dial acts as an aluminum case for your iPhone that has 3 built in lenses that rotate around a disc. The lens dial comes with a fisheye, wide-angle, and macro lens. As an extra bonus, the camera add on also comes with two tripod mounts; one for portrait photos and one for landscape photos

The case has 2 sections that slip easily over your phone and screw securely together in the middle.

The case has 2 sections that slip easily over your phone and screw securely together in the middle.

at the iPhone Lense Dial $249.00

at the iPhone Lense Dial

4. The Kogeto Dot. $79
The new Dot is a revolutionary attachment for the iPhone 5 that, together with Kogeto's free Looker app, allows users to capture immersive panoramic video and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, email to a friend. You can record 360 degree videos with your iPhone. Literally don't miss a thing around you with this tool that doesn't require any batteries or external power. Even more fun, the product comes in different colors
The Kogeto Dot is a small, panoramic photo-capture accessory designed around Apple's iPhone 4 camera

The Kogeto Dot is a small, panoramic photo-capture accessory designed around Apple's iPhone 4 camera
5. Holga iPhone Lens : $30.

Add caption
If you are looking to add some quirk to your photos then the Holga iPhone Lens may be the tool that does the trick. The Holga lens puts a casing around your iPhone that features a rotating disk with 9 different lenses you can use with your iPhone camera. Each lens offers a different filter to produce images that resemble a dreamy vignette, spidey vision, vibrant color saturation, or color with a clear center to frame a subject. The Holga iPhone Lens also allows you to preview the photo with the lens filter before you snap the shot
The Holga iPhone Lense; Probably the cheapest you might get out there for $30

iPhone 4 to iPhone 5 Support

Well after reading all these, the question now begs, will it be worth the money? what do you think about the SnapZoom? is it too big, how do you think it can be improved and also keep it's universality?
comment below


  1. it looks weird though there are a lot of use on every add-ons but would rather have a samsung galaxy camera than buying different add ons only for a specific function

  2. One good one might be ok instead of buying multiple


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